How to check if a CND Shellac is authentic or fake??

How to check if a CND Shellac is authentic or fake??

With so many fake CND Shellac on the market we decided that buyers needed some guidance on how to tell the difference between Authentic CND Shellac and the fakes.We are asked on many occasions how to verify authentic CND Shellac.

Most fake products will have slight visual differences but the simplest way is to check for the CND serial codes which are etched onto every bottle in production. See photo below for the placing of the codes on both original UV polish(on the rear of the bottle) and New Power Polish bottles(on the base). The batch codes are different for each colour. or product , no two different colours or products should ever have the same code.Batch codes match the code on the bottom of the retail box for the product and the CND master boxes. If you purchase any CND Shellac that has no code or if you see the same code on two different products they are fake and should not be used.Authentic CND products(which are hypoallergenic and fully tested)cannot be used successfully along with counterfeit Shellac which may cause allergic reaction, damage to the nail plate and cuticles.

If you see CND Shellac offered in retail boxes at low prices it is probably fake.Royal Mail charge £3 first class small packet rate for a boxed CND Shellac ,only 90p for unboxed. As with most things in life, if it seems to good to be true then it probably isn’t !!


Photo showing where to locate the CND batch codes on both original UV bottles and New Power Polish bottles.

Fake Clay Canyon Power Polish purchased. No batch code on the base or on the retail box. All Power Polish bottles have the new sleeve bottles , Clay Canyon should have a white base, see below. This seller tried to convince us that the number 19 on the base was a batch code, not true !! All current CND batch codes begin with M followed by a sequence of numbers that give the year of manufacture and the product identity. See authentic batch code below…

Authentic CND Shellac Clay Canyon Power Polish , batch code etched into the white base matches the code printed on the retail box.


Fake Top coat once again no batch code, the large number is not a CND batch code.Also all the current fake base and top coats on offer are the old UV style bottles. These have been out of stock at all CND distributors for over a year. All top and base coat shipped out for the last 12 months has been Power Polish.


Authentic CND Shellac base coat showing the etched batch code


Another Fake CND Shellac( Burnt Romance Power Polish) purchased on eBay with sticker on base which seller said was a batch code ; not true !!


Photo above of Authentic CND Shellac Burnt Romance.

fake lilac longing , no code on base

Some codes can be difficult to see particularly on the white bases on Power Polish bottles or white UV polishes.See Azure Wish & Zillionaire colour above.Sometimes the codes are etched over a bottle mould stamp and again hard to see. Check in good light , you will still see them :)
Not all eBay Sellers sell fake CND Shellac. We have sold authentic CND products on eBay for over 3 years. To purchase AUTHENTIC CND Shellac please visit our shop.


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